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Data Import: Employee Information
Data Import: Employee Information

It is very easy to import employee data into Kolay! You can import your employee data using our Excel template.

Asuman Saltıkçıoğlu avatar
Yazar: Asuman Saltıkçıoğlu
Bir haftadan uzun bir süre önce güncellendi

When importing employee data for the first time:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Data Transfer > Employee Information.

  2. Download the employee data import template from the "Download Template" option.

  3. Fill in your data in the template according to the "Constants" section. You can delete columns from Excel that you do not wish to fill.

    *Do not perform any actions on the "Constants" page!

  4. After completing your employee file, tick the fields in the "Before Starting Be sure of the items below" section and click the "Proceed to Upload" button.

  5. In the opened window, upload your file.

  6. Once your file is uploaded, matching fields will appear in blue. If these fields have filled information, the transfer will proceed.

    Unmatched fields will appear in yellow due to title mismatches. You can match these fields with the relevant title by clicking on the pencil icon next to them.
    Gif eklenecek

    The system warns you that unmatched fields will not be transferred.

    If there are fields you do not want to transfer, you can remove the match by clicking on the pencil icon next to the box. This way, information in that box will not be transferred.

  7. After completing operations in the relevant fields, click the "Next" button in the upper right corner.

  8. On the opened page, you will check your data, and information on how many rows you will transfer will be displayed. Click the "Import" button in the upper right corner to initiate the transfer.

  9. During the transfer, you can see the progress percentage in the status window.

  10. After the transfer is complete, you can view the transferred rows in the green window on the left. Rows that could not be transferred are on the right in the red window.

  11. To view the rows that could not be transferred and the errors you received, click the "Download Reviewed File" button to download the relevant Excel file.

  12. You can correct the rows that could not be transferred in the downloaded Excel, and then upload the same Excel file again by clicking the "Start Over" button.

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